Goodbye Infinity Maps, Hello HyperClarity

Johannes Grenzemann
Dec 9, 2024

Hello World
Hi, my name is Johannes Grenzemann. I'm a founder, entrepreneur and product guy. In my "day jobs" of the past decade I have worked in a variety of different roles. Starting as software developer, then product owner, product manager, I've built an InnovationLab in a big german corporation, and I've worked on a couple of startups. But in fact I'm an inventor by heart. Already as a kid I had great joy in building stuff and always wanted to build my own company.
What has happened so far
My last startup is called Infinity Maps. Together with Heiko Haller (my CPO) and Robin Lutz (CTO and main developer), we were working on the idea of revolutionizing knowledge management with an innovative visual approach. We did bootstrap an MVP, we got first customers, and in 2020 we got a first business angel investment. We tried a lot to find product market fit. But in the end we didn't make it.
In the end of 2022 Infinity Maps ran out of cash and the company broke apart. Heiko and myself decided to continue the journey but on different paths. Heiko focussed on stabilizing what was there (investing in stability and infrastructure) while I never stopped looking for product market fit, and trying to understand what was the key value that could be delivered with the iMapping Method (the key principle behind Infinity Maps).
My latest insight
Today I think the key value of the iMapping Method is the ability to visualize very complex concepts in a very clear and insightful way (thus CLARITY).
In my day job I currently work as a product manager in the hessian state administration. And every single day I must moderate dialogues between groups of managers and software engineers. And often we do not share the same picture in our mind. And then it's hard to come to a commonly supported decision. And that's bad. Because that means often we as product managers or our boss needs to make a call and overrule everyone else. You can make that and sometimes you must. But if you do that on a regular basis you lose credibility. I do not want to say that it's possible to always achieve consensus. But It just feels better to have a commonly agreed plan. And also as a product manager I want to understand the objections of my team. I want to understand their problems and concerns, so that I can prevent future catastrophes and build things that work and scale.
But in order to do so, I had the need to find a common language in the past. One language that we all understand and that helps to develop a shared reference point.
For me this language has always been visualization and HyperClarity is the sheet of paper that I develop so that I can speak this language as fast as possible!
It allows me to transform complex software and IT-Architecture discussions into comprehensive visual models that everyone can understand, and that live in the meeting.
Where im heading
So my current focus with HyperClarity is to help people deal with challenging issues through meeting moderation and real time visual facilitation. By this I help them to align different perspectives and to get a better understanding of their actual situation. And that usually is a great starting point to evaluate further options and scenarios.
I have experience with the following subjects:
Software development, software architecture
IT Infrastructure, IT architecture
Scrum, Agile, Kanban
Business model innovation
Innovation methods and models
Various business strategy frameworks
Process management, BPMN 2.0
Airport capacity planning & processes, flight schedule forecasting
Innovation processes, innovation workshops, open innovation
Dunning, collection, 1st party collection, accounting
Public administration services and infrastructure
I speak fluently:
I speak conversational:
I once spoke fluently:
You have a super challenging topic? Then get in touch. My promise to you: once we have visualized it together, you will get a totally new perspective on the topic. If not, I will pay you for your wasted time. Word.
Looking forward to our first meeting.
Johannes Grenzemann
CEO and Co-Founder of HyperClarity
#VisualFacilitation #GraphicRecording #hyperClarity #aNewStarIsBorn